Playback Theatre responds to the universal need to be seen and heard.
It reflects common humanity and honors the unique experiences of each person.
What is Playback Theatre?
Playback Theatre is a form of Applied Theatre. Improvisational in its approach, audience or group members share moments from their lives and watch them enacted on the spot by trained actors using music, movement and dialogue that embodies the heart of the story. Welcoming laughter, tears, rage, curiosity ~ the full range of emotions . There is no story too big or small to be told and honored. Over the course of a performance after many voices have been heard, it clearly demonstrates (and reminds us!) of our common humanity.
Who does it serve?
Versatile in its approach Playback can be used with any population. Settings can range from schools and universities, organizations and community groups, or with specific groups like hospice care workers, refugees and immigrants, formerly incarcerated people, among others.

The best way to know Playback Theatre is to experience it!
Mandala Center’s
Poetic Justice Theatre Ensemble celebrates its 20th season!!
Multi-generational, multi-ethnic actor/activists, PJTE is unique in its dual use of Playback Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed.

Playback Theatre stimulates dialogue through personal story sharing to reveal different perspectives.
It promotes deep listening and welcomes any voice to be heard. It is an effective tool used throughout the world to
foster connection and build understanding across differences.
Created by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas, there are over 100 Playback Theatre companies in North America and practitioners worldwide in over 70 countries. The Centre for Playback Theatre, International Playback Theatre Network, Playback North America, as well as the New York School of Playback Theatre are hubs for education, networking, and training to learn more about this powerful form of Applied Theatre.
This video features Playback practitioners from the U.S. and Canada (including Mandala Co-Directors Zhaleh Almaee & Marc Weinblatt) speaking about
the applications of Playback Theatre and the importance of
being part of Playback North America.